Hogwarts Legacy’s social system allows you to get familiar with a lot of your classmates as the narrative and the school year progresses.
There will be certain stages of the game where you will be asked to fulfill some requirements or hold a conversation with them in order to progress through the story.
At some point in the early part of the narrative, you will be made to choose between Natsai "Natty" Onai and Sebastian Sallow as a companion for your very first visit to Hogsmeade.
This has made many in the Wizarding World community a bit puzzled as to which one they should choose, and the amount of impact that their choice will have on the overall narrative.
You can choose whichever character you would like to know more about as your choice really does not make a difference in how the narrative will progress. Since you will have plenty of opportunities to talk to the character that you did not choose, you can just go with either when faced with this decision.
Most classmate-related decisions in Hogwarts Legacy will not have an impact on the story
The decision to pick between Sebastian and Natty as a companion to Hogsmeade occurrs pretty early on. After completing the first two classes in the game, you will be required to make your way to the Transfiguration classroom where you will be required to meet with Professor Weasley. Upon reaching there, you will be questioned by her regarding the Dragon attack.
Once the conversation is over, she will then ask you to pick between Natsai "Natty" Onai and Sebastian Sallow as one of the classmates who will accompany you to Hogsmeade to help you purchase the lost supplies.
Irrespective of whom you choose here, there will be no impact on the narrative and how it’s meant to progress.
Similarly, during the first potion class, Garreth Weasley will ask you to steal the Fwooper Feather from Professor Sharp to help him make the Eudurus potion.
Irrespective of whether one chooses to steal it or not, there will not be any significant impact on the Hogwarts Legacy story.
Both choices will result in Garreth’s cauldron creating chaos and giving off colorful explosions. If you choose to steal the Feather then Professor Sharp will reprimand you for the explosions, and if you make the other choice, Garreth will be the one getting scolded. Either way, neither of the decisions will affect the story In Hogwarts Legacy.
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