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Pippa Middleton finally speaks on camera, and shes kind of funny & bitchy

Have you missed Pippa Middleton? I have. She hasn’t been getting pap’d on a regular basis lately. Maybe she found a new way to go to work, or maybe her lawyers succeeded in threatening the British tabloids into leaving her alone. Whatever happened, these are some of the first photos we’ve had of Pippa since January! Pippa signed on to a cross-country ski race in Sweden called Vasaloppet (sound it out, it’s fun to say), all to raise money/awareness for a children’s charity called Magic Breakfast. Pippa placed 412th out of 1,734 women. And that’s not all – she spoke to a news outlet! At long last, we get to hear Pippa’s voice. It’s actually kind of nice:

She seems kind of bitchy and over it, which I enjoy. It just shows you that she’s not a royal – she doesn’t have to pretend to be nice to everyone. Plus, I feel like that’s her real accent, unlike her sister, who has so obviously had voice lessons to the point where her voice and accent seem very, very unnatural. Also note: Pippa did this epic ski thing all while keeping her beloved Middleton eyeliner in place! Huzzah.

In other Pippa news, you know how I keep ringing the “Pippa is going to be a duchess too, y’all” bell? Well, it’s on. All of Pippa’s scheming, plotting, angling, and sexual espionage (I’m assuming) has paid off – George Percy, the future Duke of Northumberland, is now her boyfriend. There’s a photo of George and Pippa embracing. And People Mag is calling it:

A kiss for good luck? As Pippa Middleton prepared to leave her London home for Sweden, where she competed in a charity ski challenge, she popped by for some support from off- and on-again beau George Percy.

The royal bridesmaid, 28, and the heir to the Duke of Northumberland were spotted smooching in front of Middleton’s BMW last Thursday, after she waited for Percy in front of his house.

Once he darted outside, Percy exchanged a warm embrace with Middleton that lasted “for five minutes,” according to an onlooker.

“They seemed inseparable,” the source adds, explaining that the close-knit couple “eventually broke themselves away from one another and Pippa got back in her car and raced off.”

And she continued racing Sunday, when she came in 412th place in the Vasaloppet – a 56-mile cross-country ski race.

[From People]

Oh, it’s on. Pippa landed him. Apparently, she’s been working on him for about nine months – she was working on him while she was still tangled up with Alex Loudon too. When Alex finally dumped her, I think she had already made significant inroads with George, and her plan (“The Duchess Pippa Scheme”) went full-speed ahead. God bless her. This girl has ten-times the balls-out ambition of her sister. My guess is that even if George ever wanted to extricate himself from Pippa, he would find it very, very difficult. He might as well just propose and get it over with.

Photos courtesy of WENN, Fame.
